Dear Sisters,
This Week We had a recap of the last 2 weeks of Philippians. We to met to discuss and to learn how we can take these two chapters and apply them to our lives. Due to the sensitivity of this, we will not be recording any answers to ensure privacy for our class. Please enjoy the hand out and video that was discussed. Thank you and God Bless!
Here is the song by Matthew West "Truth Be Told":
Here is the recap and the questions discussed:
Things we have learned from Paul in his letter from the Philippians so far:
1. Paul works on his attitude.
2. Paul is constantly thanking God.
3. He knows and believes in the OT characteristics of God - God is faithful
4. He sees the partnership between believers in the Gospel
5. He believes God will complete the good work He has begun in each of us
6. He knows we ALL share in God’s grace
7. He prays that our love may abound more and more
8. He does not ask for God to take away his chains - he knows God will use them to helps us learn and grow
9. He submits to God daily saying - God show me - you be in control - God not me
10. Paul continues rejoicing knowing people are praying for him
11. Paul writes he still has struggles
12. Paul encourages the very important unity amongst us - to be like minded having the same love, being one in the Spirit and purpose - to be tender and compassionate - to have the same attitude as Christ
13. Paul focused on his blessings not the negatives….
Homework in your notebook:
14. Describe three of your prisons or waiting rooms
15. List 5 things that rob your joy
16. List 17 people to pray for daily
17. Over the course of two days list 50 blessings
18. List 10 circumstances you find yourself saying “If only….”
19. Make a list of 20 family and friends you thank God for - pray that their love abounds
20. Who are the “Paul’s” in your life?
21. Who are you “Paul” to?
22. Who has you? Your circumstances (name them) or God?
23. The people you thank God for…. have you told them?